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School Holiday Workshop

Children, parents, grandparents, lone humans welcome to experience yoga and deep ecology processes to bring about a sense of connection and belonging.

Our society is disconnected. Our devices put us into a trance state and children are spending less time connecting to others and nature than ever before.  What if our children don’t feel joy, connection and belonging with Earth?
When we reconnect, we protect and take actions to support a sustainable future for all.

Kundalini Yoga & Sound


Radiance and Light

 October Date


Pachamama House, Hamilton



Kundalini Yoga balances the nervous system and    expands our awareness ensuring we become   less reactive and   more proactive.

This month's workshop focuses on cultivating light energy and joy within which we can then radiate out into the world, brightening the lives of those around us. The kriya is designed to get the circulation flowing and cast off any stagnant energy. Experience breathing, moving, shaking and a little bit of dancing. Then lie down as I lead you into a state of deep relaxation playing various instruments to harmonise and rebalance the cells in your body. We will complete the workshop with a chanting meditation, continuing the sound healing and deep connection process as we produce sound joyfully together.

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