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 Mindfulness Program for Schools
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Strength and Balance

Resilience and Determination.



The Sunshine Toolbox empowers students to have ownership over their well-being. It teaches them mindfulness tools and techniques to assist them to regulate their emotions, build resilience and become aware of behaviours and thought patterns.

In the school setting, I interweave relevant themes into the mindfulness sessions based on current needs. These include resilience, kindness, empathy, grit, responsibility, love, gratitude and love. A typical session begins with a short talk followed by movement, chanting, breathwork and relaxation. Afterwards, students reflect on how they feel and are given the opportunity to share their experiences.

Students are encouraged to regularly practice the tools and techniques taught in the sessions as a personal practice and to assist them to regulate their emotions.

I can work with schools to develop a program specific to their needs. 

I recommend 15-30 minutes per class for a session. Longer sessions will incorporate more movement which could contribute to required PE activity hours. Short sessions can be done in the classroom or a dedicated space. A one-hour session would need to be done in a large indoor space such as a hall or performing arts room. No more that 30 students per session.

















         User Friendly Program for Teachers

I am passionate about sharing my expertise and have created a program to guide teachers to lead mindfulness in their own classrooms. Having worked as a schoolteacher for more than 15 years, I understand the school environment and the challenges teachers face balancing curriculum delivery and managing children. 

The Sunshine Toolbox is designed to outline the sequencing of a mindfulness session and supports teachers to incorporate regular mindfulness sessions into their teaching program. It encourages teachers to value consistent and regular mindfulness practices and the long-term benefits for their students.

It includes tips that I have picked up along the way as a mindfulness teacher.




​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Professional Development for Teachers

One hour: $250 

Includes PowerPoint lesson and demonstration session.

One hour 30 minutes: $300

Includes PowerPoint lesson, demonstration and relaxation session.

Two hours: $350 

Includes PowerPoint lesson, demonstration, relaxation session and opportunity to practise leading mindfulness activities.

Unlimited school access to the Sunshine Toolbox Manual can be purchased for an additional $200. This includes 23 lessons.

A shortened version with 12 lessons is $100.






Pricing for Mindfulness Sessions in the Classroom

Minimum booking for 1 hour which can be four sessions of 15 minutes, two for 30 minutes each, or one full hour. 

First hour          $130 plus GST

Second hour   $120 plus GST

Third hour        $100 plus GST

Fourth hour     $80 plus GST

Recurring Bookings

Four or more recurring bookings receive %10 discount

10 or more recurring bookings receive %15 discount

20 or more recurring bookings receive %20 discount


Working Together

For enquires and bookings email me directly

or click the 'let's chat' button.


YouTube Videos for Kids

What the Kids Say

It helps me to let out any negativity and is also a good break from school.

I like mindfulness because it relaxed my body, it makes my bad thoughts go away.

I like to rest and relax because learning can be hard work.

I like having mindfulness at school because sometimes my breath starts to race when I have bad thoughts on my mind.

I use the breathing exercises at home when I am angry with my siblings.

When I'm nervous or scared I like doing breathing exercises.

I like breathing, yoga poses, listening to music and chanting.

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